I walked around for ages trying to find the Zines. They are near the entrance with the Kidrobot things. They all look lovely so make sure to go down and have a look!
Facebook has this new thing like myspace I suppose. So if your and anonymous blog reader and you wanna add me and be internet buddiez, then that is my 'myspace' thingy adressy thingy.
New poster for the Tubelord gig. The colours have changed slightly and I had to move quite alot around. Now I need to go and buy mouse supplies and start making them crazy mice.
And this is what happens when you upload a CYMK file to a blog. Nice.
Just made this quickly to let everyone know. Mice Zine is being sold with other CSM zines at Selfridges starting from next Saturday. If you want one there will be 20 copies!
Went for the disaster theme. This ones done for a favor since I love Tubelord and I get alot of jobs from this client. It's sort of like a buy one get one free offer. Shame Jaws got the arrow in the belly like.
The intestines shirt that I did a while back is now available from merchshop.de when preordering the new album Danger Mouth.
I saw these guys on Saturday, really good!
The whole package with the LP and one t shirt of your colour choice is €25 (Approx £21 in our currency's failed state) or you can buy it with the CD version for €23.