Just saw the promotional material for the group show I'm taking part in! Niceeee!
The exhibition will start on the 4th June at OhNo!Doom Gallery in Chicago, USA and carry on through the month.
I will be showing my two most recent prints created especially for this!

I will also have a series of these for sale in my shop soon so keep a look out!
Read on for the official Gallery info:
Read on for the official Gallery info:
FRIENDS OF THE BEAST - Tribute to Metal
Hey all we have a headbanging rockfest coming to OhNo!Doom on June 4th 6pm- 10pm 1800 n Milwaukee ave Chicago, IL 60647. www.ohnodoom.com
Show will include works by:
Mike Budai / Mr Gauky / Douglas Bicicleta / Mike Friedrich / Sam Dunn / Artillery / UberKraaft / Revolution Tattoo / Miss Monster / Dave Palumbo / Brian Holderman / David Rettker / Yunicorn / Micheal Micheal Motorcycle / Steve Seeley / Nick Beery / Ryan P Young / Jeff Finley / OhNo!Doom / Saro / Keith Noordzy / Jessamyn Patterson / Scarecrowoven / Paul Parker / Matthew Bromley / Joey Potts / Jeremy Beightol / Adam Fox / Nic Cowan / CHema Skandal! / Matthew Ryan Sharp …
If that's not enough to melt your face, come back for the closing to check out some Local Metal Bands (TBA)!
I suggest you show up to avoid future regret \m/
& last but not least a massive big thanks to Jeremiah & Michelle of ReUse First (http://reusefirst.blogspot.com/ & www.etsy.com/shop/reusefirst ) for the fantastic work printing the Posters.
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