Monday 28 March 2011

Rat Skull

My rat skull found in the Lake District. Given to me as a present!

He's got some lovely details!


Sarah said...

I have a shore bird skull and a cougar skull, both presents... and a horse femur.

I *used* to have a green bamboo cane with a human femur section for the handle.

Not weird so much as biology major...


Sarah said...

BTW, I'm using your skull pic to help me make a skull for a robotic "Death of Rats" from the Terry Pratchett Disc World novels. It'll be a gift...

If you've not read Terry Pratchett, you've pretty much wasted your life. {;~'

Anonymous said...

Since there's 2 pair of incisors this is not a rodent.. so that rules out a rat and means it's probably a lagomorph.. in other words: a rabbit or hare.